Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today I rocked the house with my workout. I was actually at a gym and had someone cancel, so of course I took advantage on my FREE hour and rocked it out.
Busy Mom Fat Loss Workout- today I took my time with my warmup and made sure my thoracic spine was open before beginning and training squats and lifts. This is always where you start if you feel pain in your low back or restriction in you shoulders and neck, you can trouble shoot other issues from here.

Busy Mom Fitness- Rehab circuts with reverse lunge into adduction/flexion knee pulls, plank reach, ball elbow rollouts, rotational plank.
Metabolic Circut- burpie with shoulder press, jump squats, burpie with weighted jump squat and shoulder press, jump squats. Alternating 1 arm kettlebell swings, side and middle kettlebell swings alternating, Full Kettlebell rotations (Taking the V step further-stall at top and back push 180 degrees)brutal to say the least. Full weighted corkscrew (chop motion)
Strength Work- bentover dumbell rows, glut/hamstring drops into explosive pushups, standing lat pull, scapular protraction/retraction

It was great, everyone was staring. I was lifting more than the meathead men at the gym and working about 4x as fast. One of the trainers with their client called it "inspirational to say the least" I indicated if I have a free hour I'm going to take full advantage of it, I may not get the chance again for a few days.

I had a great pasta meal the night before with homemade veggie and meat sauce. This helped with my extra energy today. Hope this motivates you to ROCK THE HOUSE with some exercise.

The other night while driving home from the grocery store I relived my teenage years for 3 minutes. I had the windows down and cranked JOURNEY on the radio as I passed cyclists/walkers in the bike lane everyone stared again. Who is that crazy rocker with 2 car seats in the back. It felt good. I pulled into the driveway, turned down my music and resumed the role of MOM, as I unpacked the groceries. I thought of where I came from and what I have become, it's all good.

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