What a busy fit mom eats-part 2. How do I manage to serve a healthy meal while taking care of the kids after a day of work that starts at 5am? I am PREPARED.
My breakfast sausages are cooked for the week and waiting in the fridge, the strawberries are cut and I make Kasia a sand which when I get up in the morning.
The fruit snacks like melon are cut and waiting for Kasia to get them herself. She is always hungry and visits the fridge to get the bowl of cut fruit out for herself. I have shredded organic cheese ready for the baby, Ava and she has rice krispies as well. There is a cupboard of KID snacks at ground level that Kasia also has access to- it is filled with raisins, apple sauce, and granola bars. For myself I have fruit and a 1kg bag of almonds in the house. I keep an apple and a dish of almonds in my gym/work bag at all times. I have a quick Prograde recovery drink when I have a busy schedule at work as I get very hungry and don't have a break.
This is usually packed up left overs form the night before dinner.
I also cut my veggies and keep them in the crisper. They are readily available for that nights meal. I use my crock pot often, especially when I need to clear a load of vegetables from my fridge. I have my meals organized in my mind for the week. I have been cooking for a family for about 25 years now and am used to this.
This is where is begins, the most important part of my eating. I go with a list. I have an idea of meals that I want to make or new ones I want to try and get the ingredients. I don't visit the junk food aisle. I start at produce move to meat counter, go to Organic and them baby food area. (this is already 80% of my shopping) I then visit the butcher area and lastly the frozen and preserved food aisle for a few incidentals.
Visit www.babybumpfitness.ning.com for today's update on what I ate today. Again, I do not measure anything and do not follow a specific meal plan, I just fill the house with GOOD FOOD.
I felt strong today during my workout and did all lifting and pull ups.
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