After a busy weekend concerning my Nana's funeral I am back on track today. I had a great little mom fat loss workout using 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest Tabata intervals.
My Workout: push ups, modified pull ups, front chops, jump squats, dumb bell lunge cross over, lateral lunge, squat alternating dumb bell press, explosive push ups. 3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between circuits.
I had some friends drop by on Monday, some were mothers with babies, some newly weds and some single and looking. It made me reflect on how different my life has become from some of my friends in a very short amount of time. I say Friends are Friends and I will always support them, but what I have realized as I have changed. It sounds like an obvious comment, but I have changed in more ways than I thought by becoming a parent. This was brought to my attention as we did a personality quiz together. My answers today (with children) were way different than what I would have answered say 3 years ago. I have become more vulnerable, less patient of non family members, more self aware as I am accountable to my husband and raising my children. I am less confident overall as I look at life as a bigger picture (not a bad thing). I also realized I can feel momentarily ugly (like all women do) and my daughter still thinks I look like a princess. I can recover from little low much more quickly a) because I am grateful for what I have and b) my mood affects my children. My feelings are less guarded and I am more socially aware. This is how motherhood has changed me and how I have learned this from my children. I do attribute regular fitness to my positive thoughts and coping with motherhood. I am accountable to my health to allow me to care for my children.
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