Monday, January 26, 2009


I tried to take my eldest daughter downhill skiing on the weekend, well it was minus 25 degrees with the windchill. We tried our best to get out, but after 2 runs she was shivering and I was not going to fight it. I had to get out, the weather is killing us and we all have cabin fever. At least we tried and got to spend time together with one of her friends that joined us.

I had a great fat loss workout today and incorporated some much needed psoas (hip flexor) strengthening. My warm up; shoulder wall press, arm and leg swings, modified inchworm, psoas stretching, glut bridges, front plank up to 2 minutes, side plank leg lift, rotational plank. My fat loss workout 20 second work intervals 10 second rest intervals- my 8 exercises- front chop with kettle bell, squat high pull each side, kettle bell cleans each side, squat alternating press, cross body swing from lunge position both sides. I performed a few more post rehab exercises and an abdominal workout- stability ball toe taps, stability ball pull ins, 1 leg extended sit ups, single leg raise and lower.

Today I have prepared a free starter fat loss workout for new mothers. It will be included as a bonus when you sign up for my newsletter above. If you already receive the newsletter and wish to receive this FREE FAT LOSS Workout please contact me through the comments section and I will get it too you.

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