Hello to all busy moms. I am sure fitness and nutrition is on everyone's mind since the holidays. Here are some easy tips for program compliance.
1. PLAN AHEAD- meals- make a meal schedule and a grocery list to support it, then have the food in your house. Obvious solutions for busy mothers - easy 10 minute meals, use a slow cooker, make roast dinners because they are low maintenance.
2. PLAN AHEAD-workouts-decide how many workouts you are going to perform for the week. Try to schedule them onto certain days and then if you can pin point a time of day to get them done as well. I know life with a baby and/or toddler is not this cut and dry, but even if you complete 75% of what you set out to do for the week you will have some success. Obvious solutions for busy fit mothers are schedule 4 workouts for 20 minutes during baby/toddler nap time.
3. PLAN AHEAD-make a schedule for the rest of the household duties. As the busy Mother of the house it is your duty to organize the entire family. Delegate chores to toddlers and husbands when you can and work within your means to avoid becoming overwhelmed. This is more important than it sounds, if you are overwhelmed you will never be successful at a fitness program.
My Workout yesterday- This was a kick ass fat burning momma- All barbell 10 reps of everything except abs 20 reps and continuous.
Barbell good mornings, pushpress, deadlifts, full squat and press, modified pullups using barbell, (lye on floor)20 reverse ad curls with barbell in press up position, 10x reverse ab curl with alternating barbell chest press, 10x each leg 1 leg reverse ab curl with alternating barbell chest press, 5x each direction side reverse ab curls with barbell extended, good mornings, barbell cleans, barbell pushups, barbell abdominal roll outs 10x, barbell push press, barbell lunge 10x/leg, hang from barbell and pull knees to chest, barbell snatch lunge 5x/leg. EXHAUSTED. I challenge you then to try this and post it http://babybumpfitness.ning.com or write in to the blog.
2 sets of side grip full pullups with superband help 10x
I am going to do a stretch routine today as I have been up. since 2am with a sick baby.
That really great advices to burn fat...
Happy blogging,
Toddler Nutrition
Thanks,planning and high intensity interval training are the keys to fat loss success.
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