Saturday, November 29, 2008

Old Friends

Workout this morning- 3 Rounds of 20 seconds work/10 second rest. Exercises for first 2 rounds pull ups as my interval with burpie press, ball pull ins, heavy kettle bell swing, jumping jacks, for my last round used push ups as my interval. To explain this I do a set of berpies then pull ups, a set of ball pull ins then pull ups, a set of kettle bell swings then pull ups, a set of jumping jacks then pull ups.

I had a chance to catch up with my roommate for university on Friday. It was great to see her again and meet her kids, she has the same family combo as me a 3 year old and an infant. This seems to be common spacing for families. We were mentioning how all we feel like we do is yell and say no, it's enough to drive you crazy. One kid in the terrible or testing 2's and an infant. As a mom you know how thin you can be spread, even to find time to blog is a chore. Like right now my toddler is screaming for one of us and is about to wake the baby. .......... I'm back she has to go poo. My husband asked how are visit was and I indicated we probably only got 5 minutes to catch up otherwise we were on call for the kids, but that 5 minutes is worth it to keep your sanity. My husband also made reference to the fact that it must be nice to sit around and gossip all day with the kids- he is down in the basement now.

As I have mentioned before I use fitness as a way to steal some time for myself and give me a boost. Regardless of your platform or style of fitness or where you start it can be the most important 15 minutes of your day. The mother sets the tone for the family and how the house is run. In our house we are now reviewing "happy wife, happy life" 101.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Ruth, thank you, I am touched. I am actually trying to overcome one of my insecurities by writing, I have never been confident with writing but always wanted to try it, so thanks.


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