I had a great mothers day, despite the fact my husband was away. I took the girls to their swim lesson with the help of Nana and Grandpa then we all headed out for brunch. Kasia did a mother day performance at her school on Thursday, where all the children danced and sang, she is 3. I had tears in my eyes as I videoed it, then she came over to me with a white rose afterwards. My nephews class was up next and I got a video of him as well. She continually peeped "happy mothers day" all weekend long.
This morning I met my best friend for coffee and she told me a typical funny mom story. She has a cat, a fat cat. Well the cat was losing weight so she took the cat to the vet fearing the worst- diabetes, kidney disease. 200$ later the tests showed nothing. A week later she noticed that the dial on the automatic cat food feeder had been tampered with and her cat was only getting half the portion of food he normally gets. Her toddler confessed. She now has a thin cat, a 200$ vet bill and a guilty toddler. This is the second "pet food" incident I have reported about in 2 weeks. Mothers, check your pets or pet food. (Kasia ate Sammy's food the other week and threw it up at school the next day)
I walked home after hearing this innocent story to perform my Busy Mom Fat Loss workout out on my back deck as my baby watched me. I only performed 10 exercises once through because I am just getting over a chest infection and a sleepless weekend of parenting on my own (as both girls were suffering this weekend as well).
Listening to my body I performed my Busy Mom Fitness workout- kettle ball swings 20x, side step kettle bell swings for lateral hip stabilizers, push ups, spider man pushups, step ups, 1 arm push press, full weighted front squat, x body mountain climber, bent over lunge row, squat high pull. I did not perform a single crunch, worked every single muscle in my body and spent about 10 minutes sweating it out. This was enough for me today to keep active.
I went inside and "PREPARED THE FRIDGE" for the week. This involves cutting up the fruits and vegetables so the kids have readily available snacks, making a pasta sauce, grating a brick of organic cheese for kid snacks and getting rid of anything that is starting to get a bit gross. We now have cut peppers, cantaloupe, strawberries and cheese for snacks.
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