by Jacqueline Gradish- BABY BUMP FITNESS
Many moms suffer in silence with low back pain. I am not exaggerating by say ALL MOMS will suffer some kind of back pain from caring for her children. Many feel it’s just another part of motherhood, but they don’t realize with a few key exercises and stretches they can prevent and fix their low back pain with fitness. This is part 2 of a 2 part series on MOM FIX LOW BACK PAIN WITH FITNESS, refer to PART 1, for the 5 key exercises. Today I will show a video with the support stretches and foam rolling moves to fixing low back pain with fitness. The 5 key exercises are designed to strengthen muscles needed to prevent and fix low back pain. The foam rolling and stretches show which muscles need to be released to get the most out of your 5 exercises and prevent further overuse and instability injuries.
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Sign up for your free 4 week fat loss program with low back pain prevention exercises right in your warmup.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Labels: busy mom, mom fitness, fat loss
burn baby fat,
busy mom fat loss,
busy mom fitness,
core exercises,
low back pain
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Simple things. My oldest daughter (and now my baby too) both love clothing and shoes. I don't know where they get this from, you can tell by my videos I am no fashionista. Well 3$ jandels and 10$ pink pyjamas was enough for my daughter to break out into tears yelling "Mommy I love you" from her room when she found them. Later that night at dinner she again said "Mommy, I love you, but I cannot say it because it is not mothers day, or fathers day". So I guess she took it back. I tried to explain you can say that if you are having nice feelings, love is not linked to a particular day, I just hope she doesn't ask about valentines day.
Ava, my youngest, loves shoes as well. When I went to pick out jandels for Kasia on a 1.5 hour surprise car service time waster, Ava had to try on many pairs as well and wear them around the store, showing them off from her stroller. She cannot even walk yet and she is picking shoes. Her foot still fits into a 3 month old shoe, yes small feet in our family. Again I don't know where these girls come from, I can honestly say none of this comes from me, again have you seen my videos, I have to wear all one colour so I know it matches.
Simple things for mom as well. I did a great kettle bell workout the other day with one piece of equipment. That's it, one kettle bell in my backyard and 20 minutes. My Busy Mom Fitness workout was sided swings, low windmills, high windmills, jumping split squats while passing the kettle bell through my legs, snatches, Turkish get ups. Simple equipment, hard fat burning quick busy mom workout. Just what I needed, I know my kettle bell matches my shirt and shoes.
Labels: busy mom, mom fitness, fat loss
back yard fitness,
busy mom fat loss,
busy mom fitness,
busy mom workout,
kettle bell
Monday, July 6, 2009
I just had to share this simple,yet effective workout that I performed in my backyard. My baby was asleep in her stroller so I grabbed some equipment and did a quick mom fat loss workout out on my back deck.
The key to this workout is supersets. I take no more than 1 minute rest between supersets and complete 4 in total. By the end of this I have performed around 80 lifts in 6 minutes (3-4 of that being rest). I finish with a total body explosive exercise, turned into muscular endurance set of 100 reps. So in total I have performed 180 total body lift exercises in approximately 10minutes. I would say that is pretty good odds for a time to work intensity ratio. You will definitely get an after burn fat loss effect from this busy mom fat loss workout. To get a copy of you free 4 week program with fat burning workouts like this one sing up below.
The key to this workout is supersets. I take no more than 1 minute rest between supersets and complete 4 in total. By the end of this I have performed around 80 lifts in 6 minutes (3-4 of that being rest). I finish with a total body explosive exercise, turned into muscular endurance set of 100 reps. So in total I have performed 180 total body lift exercises in approximately 10minutes. I would say that is pretty good odds for a time to work intensity ratio. You will definitely get an after burn fat loss effect from this busy mom fat loss workout. To get a copy of you free 4 week program with fat burning workouts like this one sing up below.
Labels: busy mom, mom fitness, fat loss
after burn,
at home workout,
back yard fitness,
burn baby fat,
busy mom fat loss,
busy mom fitness,
busy mom workout,
fat burning exercise,
fat loss exercise,
fat loss workout,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Most moms suffer low back pain, wrist pain, neck/shoulder and upper back pain. Today I have a few suggestions to help busy moms manage low back pain using fitness. Please refer to last days post for wrist and forearm exercises.
MOM, Fix Low Back Pain with Fitness
Mom Fitness-Low Back Pain can be managed with a few key moves such as:
1. Front Plank
This is a great exercise for mom to help regain some tone in stretched out abdominal muscles. The front plank is a safe abdominal exercise for mothers who suffer rectis diastases. Start with 30 seconds and gradually work up to 2 minutes.
2. Side Plank

This exercise is great for your entire body, including shoulder stability. Hold for no more than 30 seconds on each side and stabilize your shoulder before you lift. Keep you body straight and lift your hip to the ceiling. Perform 2-3, 30 second side planks per side
3. Cook Hip Bridge

Gluts and hip flexors are addressed with this exercise. Pull your knee to your chest and perform a one legged glut bridge. 10/side
4. Bilateral Back Extension

Start on all 4's, tense your abdominals lift away your arm and opposite leg using your glut form you body without letting your pelvis shift. Work up to 10/side
5. Lateral Stability- this is often overlooked and specific for mom back back. Most moms push a hip out to one side and prop their baby on it- bad idea. Also your hips and pelvis are changing or have changed so you need to regain strength here. Try to old you child against your abdomen.

Use a resistance band under your feet and walk sideways keeping your feet straight ahead. 10-20 steps in each direction.
Some other moves that you will want to be doing to prevent, manage and alleviate low back pain are stretching your hip flexor muscles, using a foam roller to roll your spine and gluts and stretching your mid back thoracic spine.
I hope everyone had a great Canada Day. We had a great day around our house, all go with our backyard makeover. You see we are a home renovating kind of family. We have taken down our main wall on our main floor, ripped out and renovated our entire basement, tore our roof off and built a second storey on our house, built a deck and our latest project making a natural stone raised garden bed. This was by far the heaviest job we have done. We had 8 tonnes of stone delivered to our driveway this week. My husband and I just starred at it yesterday morning, hoping someone would arrive to help. We started lifting and moving, by the end of the first hour I could not carry any more of the wall blocks, they weight between 75-100lbs. Thanks god 2 strong friends turned up and the wall is complete. I was exhausted yesterday, but not sore today. My training had paid off, my numerous deadlifts and squats, pulls and pushes. It's not just about looks, it's about function.
How and what are you using your muscles for? As a mom you are definitely using them. You may be at the stage early after delivery and rebuilding your abdominals, you may be carrying the infant car seat or lifting a toddler. Really think about how you use your body everyday as a mom. Let me know what you find most physically challenging about dealing with your children, I would love to hear and will address some exercises to help you get through your day with a strong and healthy body.
MOM, Fix Low Back Pain with Fitness
Mom Fitness-Low Back Pain can be managed with a few key moves such as:
1. Front Plank
This is a great exercise for mom to help regain some tone in stretched out abdominal muscles. The front plank is a safe abdominal exercise for mothers who suffer rectis diastases. Start with 30 seconds and gradually work up to 2 minutes.
2. Side Plank
This exercise is great for your entire body, including shoulder stability. Hold for no more than 30 seconds on each side and stabilize your shoulder before you lift. Keep you body straight and lift your hip to the ceiling. Perform 2-3, 30 second side planks per side
3. Cook Hip Bridge
Gluts and hip flexors are addressed with this exercise. Pull your knee to your chest and perform a one legged glut bridge. 10/side
4. Bilateral Back Extension
Start on all 4's, tense your abdominals lift away your arm and opposite leg using your glut form you body without letting your pelvis shift. Work up to 10/side
5. Lateral Stability- this is often overlooked and specific for mom back back. Most moms push a hip out to one side and prop their baby on it- bad idea. Also your hips and pelvis are changing or have changed so you need to regain strength here. Try to old you child against your abdomen.
Use a resistance band under your feet and walk sideways keeping your feet straight ahead. 10-20 steps in each direction.
Some other moves that you will want to be doing to prevent, manage and alleviate low back pain are stretching your hip flexor muscles, using a foam roller to roll your spine and gluts and stretching your mid back thoracic spine.
I hope everyone had a great Canada Day. We had a great day around our house, all go with our backyard makeover. You see we are a home renovating kind of family. We have taken down our main wall on our main floor, ripped out and renovated our entire basement, tore our roof off and built a second storey on our house, built a deck and our latest project making a natural stone raised garden bed. This was by far the heaviest job we have done. We had 8 tonnes of stone delivered to our driveway this week. My husband and I just starred at it yesterday morning, hoping someone would arrive to help. We started lifting and moving, by the end of the first hour I could not carry any more of the wall blocks, they weight between 75-100lbs. Thanks god 2 strong friends turned up and the wall is complete. I was exhausted yesterday, but not sore today. My training had paid off, my numerous deadlifts and squats, pulls and pushes. It's not just about looks, it's about function.
How and what are you using your muscles for? As a mom you are definitely using them. You may be at the stage early after delivery and rebuilding your abdominals, you may be carrying the infant car seat or lifting a toddler. Really think about how you use your body everyday as a mom. Let me know what you find most physically challenging about dealing with your children, I would love to hear and will address some exercises to help you get through your day with a strong and healthy body.
Labels: busy mom, mom fitness, fat loss
back pain,
busy mom fat loss,
busy mom fitness,
low back pain,
mom back pain,
post partum exercise,
post rehab exercise
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