Cold season has arrived as Kasia has returned to school. She has brought home a virus that Ava picked up combined with BRUTAL teething. We have been up for 2 nights with her and she is consistently throwing up mucous that sits in her chest after she lays down for a few hours. I feel helpless, she is scared, crying and cannot tell me why. Sometimes she wants to be hugged and sometimes she pushes me away with frustration. If anyone has any suggestions for helping with the mucous in her chest please let me know.
On a lighter note Ava is 18 months and still doesn't walk. I have a walker/fire truck for her but she only wants to press the noisy buttons on it. On her own to my surprise the other day she pulled out our old floor WINE RACK. She stood and started pushing this around. Great she has made her OWN WALKER, who needs fancy toys, just one multi purpose wine rack/walker is all you need. This wonderful development in Ava has come a week after Kasia has decided to name her favourite doll "Pinot Grigio"
Due to lack of sleep yesterday my BUSY MOM workoutwas mobility and body weight exercise. I performed leg and arm swings, lunges, lunge twists, squats, bulgarian split squats, push press/pushup/rotational plank combo, 1 leg deadlift and pullup 1 set of 4 and one set of 3. This is all I could manage and I felt better, more alert and stretched.
So most of you reading this post are probably chronically sleep deprived. Can you really get results with your body and even mind under this strenuous condition. YES you can, but keep your wits about it. If you feel extra tired or your mind is scattered perform a mobility, rehabilitation type workout. You can get copies of Mobility and Joint Revcovery Workouts in the Baby Bump Busy Mom Fitness System. Another great workout is foam rolling and stretching, especially when you feel like you are tired, fighting a virus and you are under extreme stress. You can get results with your body using these workouts because when you do have energy to perform a KickAss workout your range of motion will be better and you can burn more calories working through full range. Your mind will be healthier because you will have done something for yourself used your mind in a totally different way than what you usually do. This can help clear your head and focus on your daily tasks.
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