Monday, July 6, 2009


I just had to share this simple,yet effective workout that I performed in my backyard. My baby was asleep in her stroller so I grabbed some equipment and did a quick mom fat loss workout out on my back deck.

The key to this workout is supersets. I take no more than 1 minute rest between supersets and complete 4 in total. By the end of this I have performed around 80 lifts in 6 minutes (3-4 of that being rest). I finish with a total body explosive exercise, turned into muscular endurance set of 100 reps. So in total I have performed 180 total body lift exercises in approximately 10minutes. I would say that is pretty good odds for a time to work intensity ratio. You will definitely get an after burn fat loss effect from this busy mom fat loss workout. To get a copy of you free 4 week program with fat burning workouts like this one sing up below.


Sandra Winn said...

That is a wonderful workout and perfect for busy moms. Where did you get your pull-up bar?

Jacqueline said...

Thanks Moms Fighting Fat. This portible pullup bar is called LeBare (I think that is the spelling). A younge man from Missisaugua invented it for team training. You can search it LeBar or LeBare.

Baby Bump Fitness

Jacqueline said...

Sorry for the mistake, my portable pullup bar is called the LeBert equillizer, just search it and you can order it online.


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