Circut #2-4 clean and press each side, ball roll outs, full squat/press repeat 2x
I used the 20 second work/ 10 second rest busy mom fat loss principles.
Workout Tuesday- Mommy Core Exercise work today. Exercises were done continuous with a few small breaks. Prone stability ball jack knife, stability ball hip pull ins, mountain climbers and x mountain climbers with elbows on stability ball,ball hamstring curls, ball lying adductor squeeze, ball hip bridge, cork screw wood chop heavy and very dynamic 2 sets, standing lat pulldown, cable chop with push thru, wall shoulder press (stick ups 2 sets), hanging shoulder retraction, low trap stabilization using ball. After this I finished with 2 sets of barbell clean and press for speed.
I have been feeling good this week and decided to take the girls to the beach on Friday. It was a beautiful sunny day and only minus -7 degrees Celsius. Yes we are Totally Nuts. My dog went swimming and so the toddler followed. She came up to me with her wet pants and asked me to roll them up I thought because they were wet, but she wanted to go further into the lake. I tried to explain it was still winter, she had a quick tongue and answered "there is no snow". She doesn't feel the cold- maybe we don't have to heat our house- oh ya the baby.
Yes this is my dog with the CONE on her head and the girls. We had to get a soft CONE so she doesn't knock over the baby.
So here we go again, I was having a great week until last night. The baby got up at 11pm, 1am and 3:30am last night. She still has no teeth so I thought teething was the cause for the 1am waking and I gave her a dose of medicine. At 3:30am she was starving. I felt tired today for some reason, more than usual even after a poor night sleep. I started training a new client today which is always a little uncomfortable at first- will they show up, will we get along, will she like the exercises, will she complain? You never know-went well.
MY WORKOUT I warmed up and attempted my max cleans, I stayed the same as last week and felt a bit weaker while I was performing them. Something didn't feel right today, maybe I was tight and I was definitely slow on my hip extension. Onto the Burpie pullups- I improved I performed 7 of them, although my last pullup was an extreme struggle. I don't care-I did it.
Off to sign my daughter up for the local soccer league tonight, we cannot wait until this starts. The first year she is eligible to play-she squeaked in by a month.
Follow along for some busy mom meals in the recipes group at BABY BUMP RECIPES
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Personal Trainer-
I have a new born baby and I am working also.. i want to reduce my weight. my friend suggest me to take help from
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Well workouts on demand, you are obviously trying to increase your new mom traffic by visitng my site. This is a high intensity, short workout site with programs done from home. Nothing fancy needed and the "mommy rehab" exercises after having a baby are built into the warmup. If you have 20 minutes you have time to do this program.
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