Sunday, May 2, 2010

7 lb

There is a great feature over at Muffin Top Mamma where I am featured. What a great source for moms- check it out.

Mothers Day is fast approaching and if you have not grabbed your free 4 week fat loss workout program please do so now. Just visit the side bar and sign up.

What are your fitness goals for the summer, do you want to stay the same or do you want to MAKE A CHANGE? Myself I want to make a change, a change of 7lb. I am starting my pursuit of 7lb fat loss this week. I will need to add in another 1-2 workout a week, I have currently only been managing 2 workouts/week. No problem, I can use my backyard fat loss workout technique, just look at the featured video.

My next big kicker is to reintroduce only whole grains instead of regular grains, more fruits and veggies. I will also manage one bike commute to work a week for a bit of extra activity. Every other day I drive because I need to car seats to get the girls at there respected locations.


Nathalie S. Roths said...

Congratulation on the blog feature. I found your video interesting and motivating. I've had my last child 9 years ago but exercise is still part of my daily schedule.

Thanks for sharing with us your exercise tips!

Luke said...

Great video. Shows that a tough session can be done easily at home with minimum fuss and equipment (even with a baby within view!). Nice work.

Alex Dumpfree said...

Nice Video and blogs, Playing some Wii U games can be awkward and requires a learning curve in general. .... After a few weeks with the system, it's tough to get around

Jennifer said...

You really look fit. It seems you don't really need to lose those 7 lbs after all.

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