Kasia has issues with her hair, already. I mean it's thick and long, but to brush it is painful and she is wimpy. Since my husband has to do her hair in the morning before school I make it easy on everyone and thin out her hair often with thinning shears. Last time I did this she did not let me cut her bangs, I guess 35 seconds to focus is too long for a 3 year old. Tonight was my chance. I trimmed her bangs in the bath. Just as I snipped, she hiccuped and well, you get it. She now resembles Joan Jett from the Blackhearts.

Todays Busy Mom Fitness program- I felt back on track today and did some speed work max 5 reps on cleans then went into conditioning followed by a great busy mom fat loss interval. I started with 65 lb and did 20 deadlifts followed by 2 core exercises. Rest and then did 50 barbell deadlifts. I finished with a brutal Tabata 20 sec work/ 10 sec rest interval program of for 8 sets straight. Burpee pullups with speed squats.
I had a great workout the fact I had to burn off the stress of cutting my daughter hair like Joan Jett and I know eventually someday she will read this blog. I will be accused of living out my 80's ROCK and ROLL fantasy through her.
Congratulations on your achievement as Toronto's Top Independent Trainer. Being in the fitness field, as well as a mom, you probably struggle with mom's biggest challenge, time.
We at Family Fitness Path hear this from many moms and they agree any way that the family can get fit together can be helpful, not only in time best used, but to bond the family also.
I look forward to seeing more on your blog about maximizing fitness and time.
What a great blog! I have several friends who have recently had childeren and would appreciate fitness from a new mom's perspective.
Great work!
Sebastien Rahman
Personal Trainer Toronto
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